NOBALIS EICD programme is tailored to help supercharge business ideas in food, biotech, and bioresources in spring 2024!
Registration is open until 21 February (Wednesday) 2024.
For whom?
Students (all levels) and student-staff teams from Estonian University of Life Sciences (EULS), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU),
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU), Linnaeus University (LNU) and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). We prefer teams (2-5 people) that already have an initial idea, but you can also join if you don’t have a specific idea or team yet.
What is it about?
We support the development of initial ideas related to new products/services in food, biotech and bioresources towards valid business models.
Some examples of more specific fields include: functional and health-promoting food products, sustainable packaging methods and technologies, use of renewable, biological resources in food, feed, ingredients, health products; valorisation of food by-products and waste, etc.
What do the programme offer?
- €1000 prize to the best team + additional monetary prizes
- Hands-on support for developing your business idea
- Focused 1-1 mentoring from international experts on
business modelling, product development, marketing and
sales, fundraising, pitching and other relevant topics.
- Help with IP management, prototyping facilities & tools
and building contacts with investors and industry
Follow this link to registrate and secure your spot at the first step of the programme, NOBALIS EICD Idea Hackathon, taking place online on 6 March (Wednesday) 2024 at 13:00 -17:00 CET.
The Idea Hackathon will be focused on ideation/preliminary development of the initial ideas and detailed information on the agenda will be shared with all participants in late February. Within one week after the event, all teams are invited to submit their full Idea Descriptions, based on which the best teams are selected to continue in the mentoring programme.