Are you curious about knowledge and members in Green Innovation Park Uppsala?
Come join us at our networking breakfast!
Short talk
*In English*
Maston Renewable Energy Lab, a resource in Norduppland
Meet the team from Maston Group: Stefan Larsson-Mastonstråle (Chairman and CTO), SusAnne Mastonstråle (CEO), Mohamad Sadek (R&D), and Tony Björklund (Prototype Technician)
The team at Maston Group is having fun while building a preservable and sustainable world! How? By engineering, innovation, and a bunch of creative minds. Their main topic is renewable energy with a focus on Solar and how to achieve a balanced power supply for all. They love engines, motors, and machines. They see the whole picture and feel challenged to solve every problem they believe they are capable of deciphering. At the moment, they’re working with large scale energy storage via E-fuels made from Solar, and super critical steam expanders for the US Market.
Read more at:
When: Friday, January 19, at 08.30
Where: Green Innovation Park Uppsala