Innovativa forskare

From idea to innovation

There are many ways in which research contributes to new knowledge and greater understanding. Read more about researchers at SLU who have translated their research into practical benefit.

William Lidberg. Foto: Andreas Palmén

Geographic intelligence created using open data

By combining data from Swedish authorities with AI, SLU researcher William Lidberg has opened up new ways of mapping everything from the location of soil damage in the forest to the number of woodpeckers in the environment.

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KliMat-spelet: the game that provides you with knowledge about the climate, biodiversity and food

Christina Lundström is one of the initiators behind the computer game that provides you knowledge about the climate, biodiversity and food production.

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Game delivering healthier bee colonies

Bee colonies are complex and are affected by a number of environmental factors that can be hard for beekeepers to get an overview of. Tkanks to Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen it is now possible to acquire this knowledge through gaming, with the new, experiential learning game Healthy Bees.

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New diagnostics and treatment of osteoarthritis

Eva Skiöldebrand and Stina Ekman have dedicated over 20 years to studying horse osteoarthritis, overcoming numerous challenges along the way. Their perseverance has led to the discovery of a groundbreaking diagnostic method and improved treatment options.

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With the aim of purifying waste water and selling bio-fertiliser

Francesco Gentili’s great passion in life is agriculture and the environment. In his research, he uses microalgae to purify wastewater and create emission-negative alternatives to current fertilizers.

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Award winning idea keeps track of saplings

Researcher and entrepreneur Jonas Bohlin likes honing his own ideas and trying them out in various exciting projects. With the innovation TreePlanterXY he combines new technology with old methods, to meet the demand for information in the field of forestry.

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Social service dog activities increases the quality of life

Lena Lidfors is Professor of Ethology at the Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Skara. In recent years, her interest has also turned to the interaction between animals and humans, resulting in a report on social service dogs in schools, health and social care.

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Various solutions for sustainable food production

Annie Drottberger is an enterprising doctoral student and teacher who is extremely passionate about utilizing research. At the Department of Biosystems and Technology at SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) in Alnarp she is researching into how businesses in the horticultural industry specialising in vegetable growing absorb knowledge and innovations. In the long term it is about working together on various solutions in order to attain sustainable food production.

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Measurable cocktail effect with new method

Although BioCell Analytica was established in 2019, founders Agneta Oskarsson and Johan Lundqvist have worked together for much longer. With their diverse skill sets and keen interest in further research, they have developed a new, unique method that is capable of both detecting chemical pollutants in the environment and measuring the effects of known and harmful substances. SLU Holding has been following their work from the start, and has also invested in the company.

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”The driving force is to understand and develop something to benefit world and future”

Shaojun Xiong´s innovative research group have landed several awards. Together with his colleagues Carlos Matín, Feng Chen and Lars Atterhem and their project Sustainable mushroom cultivation they were the first to be awarded the Sparbanksstiftelsen Norrland, and SLU’s innovation prize.

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Vertical greening with the ability to absorb water from heavy rainfall

An interest in flora and fauna has taken Rosario Garcia Gil from Spain, to Finland, and subsequently to Umeå, where she works as a researcher in forest genetics. Over the course of 2021, her work and unique solution for vertical greening has garnered critical acclaim and awards. “As a researcher it provides a fantastic opportunity to participate and contribute to social development,” says Rosario.

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Entrepreneurship in aquaculture – no fishy business

As a researcher, Anders Kiessling, Professor of Aquaculture at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), wishes to be influential and to contribute solutions to the challenges we are facing. Getting sustainable food production going in a cycle whereby unresolved problems are not passed on to the next generation is at the top of his list.

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Better animal welfare with new digital measurement technology

For SLU researchers Marie Rhodin and Elin Hernlund, the aim is to expand their world-leading research group in orthopedics and biomechanics and create more digital tools that reach out to society. Research and technology are already in place to develop the first digital tool and start a commercial collaboration. A development phase where the collaboration with SLU Holding is important, provides security and sends an important signal according to the two researchers.

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World-leading research in plant breeding made accessible in new company

Mariette Andersson and her colleagues are world leaders in their area of research. Since 2014, the research group has successfully developed the new Nobel Prize-winning CRISPR technology into a powerful tool for plant breeding. Mariette, who is also CEO of the newly started company SolEdits AB, hopes that more people will now have access to the new efficient technology. SLU Holding has invested in the company, which it believes can contribute to a revolutionary transformation of future plant breeding.

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[frömage] – Locally grown ingredients in a new and nutritious plant-based food

For Helen Thompson, it is not just more nutritious plant-based products on store shelves that is the driving force. Equally important is working on a small scale, collaborating with locally grown ingredients. A realisation that came to her suddenly in the middle of the South American jungle and which took her to SLU and a new and abrupt turn in her professional life.

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Flying agents – Award-winning researchers use hoverflies in new smart method

Paul Becher and Guillermo Rehermann see a new and expanded role for the hoverfly to solve three major challenges in crop production. Their discovery won them first prize when SLU Alnarp and Sparbanken Skåne’s Innovation Prize was awarded this year for the first time.

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Micro-level food innovations

Professor Maud Langton´s research is focused on micro solutions for global challanges. This will be achieved through new knowledge about the significance of microstructures for new foods and important partnerships with entrepreneurs and industry.

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Crickets – a new, protein-rich food on your plate

Thanks to a strong driving force regarding contribution to sustainable food provision from a global perspective, combined with valuable experience from a Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) project in Cambodia, Anna Jansson, professor of domestic animal physiology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) developed an interest in crickets – an interest that inspired continued research into the protein-rich house cricket and formation of the company SciIns, whose offering is a breakthrough within the industry.


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New method reduces energy consumption in high-quality pellets production

At SLU in Umeå a group of researchers have developed a new way of introducing steam in fuel-pellet production. This is a new, patented method that radically reduces energy consumption during pelleting, whilst retaining the finished product’s quality.

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Precision agriculture – a down to earth perspective for sustainable agriculture

At SLU in Skara, a research group is working jointly on the research theme of precision agriculture. The challenge is to provide a basis for decision making that makes crop production more sustainable. With modern technology, information from open data sources complemented by local measurement data and in close collaboration with users, the group is taking great strides forward. Both nationally and internationally. Kristin Piikki is one of the researchers in the group.

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Elin Röös – researcher focusing on sustainable food production, with a desire to see her research come to use

Elin Röös is researching sustainable food production and land use at SLU. Contributing current knowledge on the environmental impact of food, clarifying concepts and finding answers to difficult questions are what drive her. She is inspired by people who have the courage to speak the truth and are passionate about research coming to good use. Decisions must be based on knowledge; not half-truths or myths.

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Reduced food waste with new measuring tool

Mattias Eriksson’s research focuses on how the food system can become more sustainable through reduced food waste. Even if it is not a technical problem but rather a matter of overconsumption at its base, Matthias’ hope is to use a new technical solution to provide commercial kitchens and restaurants with a tool which can effectively reduce food waste. But more will be needed. The problem of food waste requires political leadership and a real willingness to resolve the issue.

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Prize-winning SLU research produces more rice – with less impact on climate

A new, more climate-friendly rice produces higher yields while lowering greenhouse gas emissions from rice paddies. The rice can also thrive in a warmer climate. Associate professor Chuanxin Sun and his research team at SLU are behind the award-winning research that led to this climate rice.

“If this rice were to be grown globally, it could potentially mean food for 200 million more people, while reducing the carbon footprint by a corresponding 120 million cars,” Sun explains.


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Research into healthy horses of the future

Gabriella Lindgren and her research team are working on mapping genes that regulate important properties of the horse genome, i.e. concerning diseases and performance traits – wide-ranging work involving everything Gabriella is passionate about, namely genetics, horses and collaborating with knowledgeable and dedicated research colleagues.

It was slightly odd phenomena and questions that set off Gabriella’s interest in biology when she was still a child: “Why can some people roll the tongue and not others?” and “How come someone can be born with six fingers?” Biology and genetics are two favourite areas that people close to her have inspired her to discover.

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The source-separation sewer of the future – one step closer to

Björn Vinnerås’s field of research is a source-separation sewage system that does not consume water. Net-zero water with regard to households of the future is currently a vision, and green innovations based on function and economy are the way to go. SLU Holding has helped take an exciting area of research closer to the market and our households.


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