SLU Umeå and Sparbanksstiftelsen Norrland innovation award

The competion is now closed. The winner will be announced on December 4.

About the award

The green industry is facing one of its biggest challenges ever. Major changes and development are required, not least in forestry and agriculture. Entrepreneurial driving forces among researchers and students are absolutely necessary to meet the challenges that the industry, and the earth, are facing. We believe that many of the solutions needed can be found at SLU in Umeå.

The Innovation award established by SLU and Sparbanksstiftelsen Norrland wants to contribute to an innovation-promoting culture that enables more of the university’s collective knowledge to be transformed into useful innovations that can make a difference in society.

Do you have an idea for a new product, service, or method that can contribute to sustainable development? Apply for SLU Umeå and Sparbanksstiftelsen Norrland’s award for sustainable innovations and win up to SEK 50,000!

For more information

Sofia Mayans, Senior Innovation & Business Advisor, SLU Holding


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