Our investments



We invest in young, sustainable companies

SLU Holding invests in companies in the earliest phase. Before anyone else is prepared to take risks. Investments are made in young companies with a connection to SLU’s business areas. Our mission is to create competitive and sustainable deep-tech companies that are ready to stand on their own two feet or grow further with major backers.

In addition to start-up capital, we can also offer administrative support and work within company boards of directors.

Since we were founded, we’ve invested in more than 50 companies. Among this number are many competitive companies offering sustainable solutions. Isconova (now part of Novavax) develops adjuvants that enhance and improve vaccines. Thanks to Conniflex’s insecticide-free method, each year millions of tree seedlings are protected from pine weevil attacks. Thermoseed uses an innovative, efficient and environmentally friendly technology for organic seed treatment using steam, resulting in a seed with good germination capacity, free from diseases.

Our portfolio companies

Alertix Veterinary Diagnostics AB

Alertix Veterinary Diagnostics develops and markets a new unique assay for diagnosing cell growth for veterinary use. With a simple blood test you can get a strong indication of tumor cell growth. The assay is also very useful for monitoring and follow-up of cancer treatment and furthermore for screening companion animals over a certain age.


SLU-forskare bakom ny metod för att upptäcka cancer



Arevo AB

Arevo offers leading-edge liquid and granular amino acid fertilizer technologies for faster and better plant establishment.




Artroa AB

Artroa is developing a combination drug for osteoarthritis. Initially, the drug will be sold as a licensed drug for the treatment of horses. In the long term, the medicine will be used on other animals and in the longer term, clinical tests will be done for human medicine.


Balsgård Foodtech AB

Balsgård Foodtech is an arena for development of new plant-based drinks and new technology for the food industry. Balsgård Foodtech offers equipment and services so that entrepreneurs and SMEs can develop, test and produce their new innovative beverages.



BTM Nanodesign AB

Develops protein-based nanomaterials for biotechnological applications. The material portfolio includes nanomaterials that have a superior antibody binding capacity, compared with alternative products on the market. In addition, the materials are produced sustainably using only microorganisms.



Eko Grönovation AB

Eko Grönovation perfectly combines precise and automated agriculture and biotechnology, including vertical farming technology, artificial intelligence, data analysis and crop science to optimize agricultural decision-making in everything from fertilizer, irrigation to harvest practice



Green Rice Sweden AB

Green Rice Sweden kommersialiserar rättigheterna till en rissort som utvecklats vid SLU. Riset producerar 90% mindre metangas än andra vanliga risvarianter, och ger samtidigt 10% högre avkastning.



Greensway Digital AB

Greensway Digital utvecklar nya digitala verktyg som stöd i arbetet med naturvård, framför allt gällande frågor kring artskydd. Med de digitala verktygen är det bland annat möjligt att bedöma sannolikheten för höga naturvärden och förekomst av intressanta naturvårdsarter i ett område, redan vid skrivbordet. Greensway Digital är ett dotterbolag till Greensway.



Havredals AB

Havredals utvecklar hälsosamma, växtbaserade alternativ till kött och mejeriprodukter. Idén är att göra övergången till en mer växtbaserad kost så enkel som möjligt. Den höga havrehalten i bolagets produkter ger tillräckligt mycket betaglukan-fibrer för att sänka halten av kolesterol i blodet, vilket i sin tur minskar risken för hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar.



Katam Technologies AB

Katam utvecklar metoder för att registrera och tolka skogsmiljöer med hjälp av AI och computer vision. Smartphone appen KATAM™ Forest ger dig möjlighet att beräkna trädvolymer, träddiametrar, grundyta, stamtäthet och mycket mer. Med molntjänsten KATAM™ TreeMap skickar du upp dina drönarfoton för att snabbt få fram ett högupplöst flygfoto med karta där varje individuellt träd är registrerat i ditt skogsbestånd. Metoderna kan även kombineras och möjliggör ett digitalt högupplöst precisionsskogbruk. Läs mer på Katams hemsida.



MyCural Therapeutics AB

MyCural Therapeutics utveckla nya cancerterapier för patienter med högrisktumörer. Flera potentiella läkemedelskandidater har tagits fram som ska hämma det drivande proteinet MYC som ofta är felreglerat i tumörceller.



NitroCapt AB

NitroCapt creates sustainable cost-efficient green nitrogen fertilizer with zero emission using air, water and renewable energy as the only input. Their process, SUNIFIX®, reduces the carbon footprint by 100%. NitroCapt provide a solution to a quick transition into a decarbonized nitrogen fertilizer industry.




PreVet AB

PreVet offers a collaboration platform within the horse and animal industry. Their app helps you collect all documentation and communication about animals, stables and achievements. In Sweden and internationally.



Resorbable Devices AB

Resorbable Devices has developed new medical devices (under the brand LigaTie®) to enable quicker, easier and safer surgery. The self-locking and resorbable features will reduce risk of complications and shorten time needed for recovery.

The innovative surgical products of the company are unique and protected by patent(s). Devices in development are intended for urology and orthopaedics. LigaTie® is initially intended for veterinary surgery and is clinically tested.



Satmeg Ventures AB

The company commercializes research results produced through collaborations within the Sahlgrenska Translational Melanoma Group (SATMEG) where, among others, SLU researchers are active. Together, they work to be able to tailor individualized treatments for patients suffering from melanoma.



SGPTH Life Sciences

SGPTH Life Sciences

SGPTH Life Sciences develops diagnostic instruments to detect osteoarthritis in horses. The test can be done on blood and synovial fluid and possibly also saliva from a horse. With saliva tests, you can also screen horses and thus detect the disease very early, before symptoms have appeared and when the disease can still be cured.



Sci Ins AB

Sci Ins offers healthy, viable and productive breeding animals for the sustainable development of the insect-for-food and feed industry



Sleip AI AB

See it before it happens. With Sleip AI, you can film your horse in motion to see and analyze difficult-to-detect movement patterns. Horse lameness diagnostics in your smart phone.



SolEdits AB

SolEdits AB use modern technologies to introduce genetic variation in the potato variety of your choice. With a transgene-free CRISPR technology, SolEdits can introduce targeted mutations in genes to create healthier food and a sustainable agriculture or industrial process.



Strike Pharma AB

Strike Pharma develops a new individual-based cancer treatment, based on the genetic profile of each patient tumor, which attacks the tumor cells and leaves other normal cells in the body alone. This way you get more effective treatment while reducing the risk of side effects.



Transmoro AB

Transmoro has develop a new solution for small and large-scale hydroelectric power plants that allows fish to pass through and increases the plant’s energy recovery. The technical solution in line with the new European water framework directives.


Zerapeutics AB

The Company engages in the development and commercialization, including the sale and licensing of intellectual property, of molecules that affect proteins belonging to the BET borodomain family for the treatment of melanoma and other related diseases.



Läs om forskarna bakom bolagen

Cocktaileffekten mätbar med ny unik metod

Agneta Oskarsson och Johan Lundqvist har utvecklat en ny unik metod med kapacitet att både upptäcka kemiska föroreningar i miljön och mäta effekter av kända och hälsoskadliga ämnen.

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Världsledande forskning inom växtförädling görs tillgänglig i nytt bolag

Mariette Andersson och hennes kollegor är världsledande inom sitt forskningsområde. Sedan 2014 har forskargruppen framgångsrikt utvecklat den idag Nobelprisbelönade CRISPR-tekniken till ett kraftfullt verktyg inom växtförädling. Mariette som även är vd för det bolaget SolEdits AB hoppas nu att fler ges tillgång till den nya effektiva tekniken.

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Bättre djurvälfärd med ny digital mätteknik

För Marie Rhodin och Elin Hernlund är siktet inställt på att utöka sin världsledande forskargrupp inom ortopedi och biomekanik och skapa fler digitala verktyg som når ut till samhället. Redan nu finns forskning och teknik på plats för att utveckla det första digitala verktyget och påbörja ett kommersiellt samarbete.

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