Networking breakfast and Short talk in Uppsala

Are you curious about knowledge and members in Green Innovation Park Uppsala?
Come join us at our networking breakfast!

Short talk
*In English*

A journey from human to animal health
Rick Thomas, CEO of Cavix AB

Cavix’s ambition is to contribute to the rapid change that is ongoing within veterinary care with higher standards being placed on the care of our companion animals. Guest speaker Rick has a long and successful international career in the human health industry – but had no previous experience from the veterinary industry when he embarked on the Cavix journey.

During the talk he will share his thoughts on both the similarities and differences between the human health and animal health markets, and in what ways knowledge and experience gained from the human health segment can make a positive impact on the development of animal health.

When: Friday, Nov 10 at 08.30
Where: Green Innovation Park Uppsala



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