Networking breakfast and Short talk in Uppsala

Are you curious about knowledge and members in Green Innovation Park Uppsala?
Come join us at our networking breakfast!

Short talk
*In English*
Creating an independent food system in space
Meet Tor Blomqvist, AstroAgronomist at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR).

There is a reinvigoration of human space travel, and humankind is on the verge of a new era. The current roadmaps of international space agencies aim to establish a constant human presence on the moon before the end of the decade, and eventually go to Mars. However, missions to the moon come with a myriad of challenges. Even though we may have the technology to bring humans to the moon, we do not have the required food systems or the food technology to sustain them. Ultimately food is a limiting factor for future lunar habitats.

This Friday we welcome Tor, as he speaks on the challenges of developing an independent food production on the moon and how it may in fact also be applied anywhere on Earth where food production may otherwise prove difficult.

When: Friday, June 16 at 08.30
Where: Green Innovation Park Uppsala


If you want to learn more about what space can do for you, I.S.A.A.C. brings down space on earth, so that you, your company, and the planet can benefit.

Find out more about the work on how to grow food in space!


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