Networking breakfast and Short talk at Green Inovation Park in Alnarp

Are you curious about knowledge and members in Green Innovation Park?
Join their networking breakfast!

Short talk
*In English*
Dapibuset – securing the world´s protein feed supply

A breakfast talk on how Dapibuset’s biotech solution solves the complexity of finding a sustainable feed, that not only meets the protein and amino acid needs of animals, but also does not compromise growth performance, local availability and cost effectiveness for the farmer.

Join the breakfast and learn how the collaboration between Dapibuset, SLU, LU, EMV Stainless Steel and Bengtssons Lantbruk aims to break Europe’s dependence on soy for feed concentrates through knowledge sharing and technology transfer of advanced fermentation technology.

WHEN: Wednesday, April 3: breakfast kicks off at 8.30 am, Short Talk starts at 9.00 am
WHERE: Slottsvägen 1, Alnarp (back entrance)
PW: friday

REGISTER HERE for a free breakfast –
You only need to register if you attend in person.

We have 25 tickets available, please put yourself on the waiting list if it´s fully booked.

More information at greeninnovationpark/facebook.




Foto: Micael Simonssson/Privat

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