Networking breakfast and Short talk in Uppsala

Are you curious about knowledge and members in Green Innovation Park Uppsala?
Come join us at our networking breakfast!

Short talk
*In English*

From Eminence-based to Evidence-based
Meet Björn Arvidsson, Managing Director at STUNS Life Science. Björn is a doctor of analytical chemistry, with a wide range of experiences and an interest in public policy and government affairs.

In everything we do, we increase the resolution and the possibilities for understanding and making more well-informed decisions – both strategic and tactical. With increased access to this data, tools that help us interpret them, and the ability to ask the right questions, we can make significant leaps in our development. However, the path to get there is not straightforward, partly mined, and there are many obstacles that slow us down.

Björn Arvidsson – Managing director at STUNS Life science, introduces how we can work smarter, more openly, and collaboratively to turn challenges into opportunities.

When: Friday September 29, 8.30
Green Innovation Park Uppsala



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